Friday Fill-Ins 12/17/10
Filed in Meme
It’s Friday and I’m joining Friday Fill-Ins!
1. What in the world am I doing that instead of working, I’m blogging, LOL.
2. My daughter doesn’t get irritated easily when she’s well fed.
3. Go forth and multiply, LOL.
4. I’ll be happy if you sent me some chocolates.
5. I keep a lot of papers, receipts, notes, name it, I have it.
6. I couldn’t go on vacation, whether I like it or not.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to what my husband has bought from the sale, tomorrow my plans include playing with my daughter and Sunday, I want to watching movies!
Tags: friday fill-ins, questions
Enjoyed your fill-ins. Hope you get to watch some movies this weekend!