How to Conceive a Boy?
So we have decided to have our second baby. Since we already have a girl, we want to have a boy next, there. We really want to make sure our next baby would be a boy so we are doing a lot of research about it.
Reading the internet really helps a lot since we found a lot of tips and tricks on how to conceive a baby boy. I want to share some links with you who, like us, are also want a baby boy:
Want to Make a Baby Girl or Boy? Try These Lovemaking Tricks
Choosing your baby’s sex: The folk wisdom
How to Make a Baby Boy – Tips to Conceive a Son
How to Conceive a Boy
Hope these links would help us in conceiving a boy. If ever I am going to have a baby boy, I’ll update this post. Also, if you were able to conceive a boy because of these articles, please do leave a comment, thank you!